Burning Stick Foundation Supports CACBG

LEXINGTON, Ky. — The Burning Stick Foundation has awarded the Children’s Advocacy Center of the Bluegrass a $5,000 grant to provide services to child victims of sexual abuse throughout Central Kentucky.

“This financial support helps us to provide counseling for child victims and support groups for caregivers who are also healing in the aftermath of abuse,” said Andrew Oliver, Executive Director.

A smaller portion of the funding will be allocated to support the Center’s expansion into a larger facility on North Ashland Avenue later this year. Foundation funding will be used to furnish a second client waiting room which is comfortable and child-friendly, ensuring the children feel safe and secure during their visit to the Center.

This is the second straight year that the Burning Stick Foundation has supported the Children’s Advocacy Center of the Bluegrass. The Foundation, which places an emphasis on giving to charities in Central Kentucky, hosted their annual cigar event Stoke on April 13.


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