Report Child Abuse

A Child’s Safety is an Adult’s Responsibility

Child victims are counting on you to speak up for them. A child’s safety is our responsibility as adults. Believe children when they tell you someone has hurt them, and pay attention to other signs when they don’t. You may be the only person who can help them. Speak up and end the cycle of abuse in a child’s life!


Kentucky law explicitly states that anyone who suspects or has reasonable cause to believe that a child is experiencing abuse or neglect has a duty to report it. If ever in doubt about making a report, please call the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Children throughout our community are counting on you to speak up for them.

  • To report abuse or neglect in Kentucky, call (800) 752-6200.
  • For reports outside the state of Kentucky, call (800) 422-4453.
  • If a child is in need of immediate help, dial 911.
  • Additional Resources: National Children’s Advocacy Center